Category listing for: Technique

How to do a Squat with Steve

How to do a Squat with Steve

As part of our workout Metabolic Effect post with Steve he recommended doing squats as part of a combination of moves (including a pull up) and here he breaks it down for us:...

How to Deadlift

How to Deadlift

Do you like the idea of doing a deadlift but aren't quite sure how execute it? Well, here's Mike, one of our fitness instructors demonstrating how to perform the exercise safely. Keep reading for our step-by-step instructions!...

How to do a tuck-jump burpee

How to do a tuck-jump burpee

Burpees - synonymous with groans and sweat but once you realise the full body benefits you'll be popping them out like nobody's business! If you want to add an extra boost to your workout then try out the tuck-jump burpee demonstrated by Lauren below......