Category listing for: Explore

Our favourite Cornish vineyards

Our favourite Cornish vineyards

Gentle south facing slopes, drenched in summer sun, cocooned in the warm bubble of the Gulf Stream. The perfect place for a vineyard. Winemaking in Cornwall has taken off in a big way in the last few years and what better way to spend a romantic day together than touring the estates and sipping bubbly on sun-drenched terraces....

Top 5 sunset spots in Cornwall
Local Area

Top 5 sunset spots in Cornwall

Your other half might not thank you for dragging them out of bed at the crack of dawn to watch the sunrise, so why not take the more leisurely option of watching the sunset. Spoil them with a delicious dinner then head to one of our carefully chosen spots....

Our favourite local beach BBQ locations

Our favourite local beach BBQ locations

Nothing says summer more than a barbeque – turn that into a barbeque on the beach for two, add a dollop of fantastic Cornish seafood and a splash of cider and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a romantic afternoon. We've chosen our favourite spots for beach BBQ....